Helga’s mood
13 Jan, 2016
Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this Template, your support is truly appreciated!
This document covers the installation and use of this Template and often reveals answers to common problems and issues - read this document thoroughly if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, feel free to pose them in the dedicated support section.
Go ahead to know more.
After unzip the download pack, you'll found a Template Folder with all the files.
You can view this Template in any browser, you can display or edit the Template without an internet connection.
Now open your FTP Client (like Filezilla) or directly through cpanel, upload the content of the Template on your server root.
Once the files are done uploading go to www.yourdomainname.com/index.html
This Template has a Responsive layout and is based on the Bootstrap Framework. For more information about this visit Bootstrap.
The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns, making for a 1170px wide container without responsive features enabled. With the responsive CSS file added, the grid adapts to be 724px and 1170px wide depending on your viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically.
For a simple two column layout, create a .container and add the appropriate number of .col-md* columns.
Given this example, we have .col-md-4 and .col-md-8, making for 12 total columns and a complete row.
To nest your content with the default grid, add a new .container and set of .col-md* columns within an existing .col-md* column. Nested rows should include a set of columns that add up to the number of columns of its parent.
Level 1 columnLevel 2Level 2Level 2 column
These are the css files that are loaded into templates in Head Section.
By default, the template loads this font from Google Web Font Services, you can change the font with the one that suits you best.
<link rel='stylesheet' id='napoli-fonts-css' href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway%3A400%2C100%2C300%2C500%2C600%2C700%2C800%2C900%7CRoboto%3A400%2C100%2C300%2C700%2C900%2C300italic%7CLibre+Baskerville%3A400%2C400i%2C700%7CLora%3A400%2C700%7CRoboto+Slab%3A400%2C300%2C700%2C100%7CUbuntu%3A400%2C300%2C500%2C700%7CDroid+Serif%3A400%2C400italic%2C700%2C700italic%7CGreat+Vibes%7CMontserrat%3A400%2C700%7CNoto+Sans%3A400%2C700%2C400italic%2C700italic%7COpen+Sans%26subset%3Dlatin%2Clatin-ext&ver=1478770331' type='text/css' media='all' >
These are the JS files that are loaded into templates in end of the Body Section.
Lets start updating the template. Open index.html file and follow the steps.
Most of the updates are same for all pages. So will explain once here.
<header class="right-menu">to
<header class="top-menu">to change menu style
Click here for the Swiper Slider documentation.
To replace the google map link, click here
Open contacts.html file and Find this code.
We have used the following plugins, fonts & images. All fonts, images, icons used in this template are free for commercial use.
FontsOnce again, thank you so much for purchasing this Template.
As I said at the beginning, We'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this Template. We I'll do our best to assist.